by Institute of Entrepreneurship Development iED

wire:frame | architects of digital experiences

We cover a wide range of all aspects of custom software and application development and management. Our services help in transforming enterprises by helping them create, build, enhance and maintain web and mobile software and services.

What is your target audience and what did you offer?

Quality and innovative technology solutions

Where is the success of your business idea based on?

Using technology solutions to transform businesses to digital entities.

Tell us something about yourself…

Dr Constantine Andoniou, Founder and CEO of wire:frame, holds a variety of educational qualifications from prestigious higher education universities from Greece, the UK, and Australia. His academic and research interests include information theory, post-modernity, digital learning and knowledge, and the integration of educational technology applications in teaching and learning environments. He has held various professional and academic posts in higher education institutions, government and organizations, in Europe, Australia and the Middle East. He is the author of numerous academic publications and has participated in recent conferences and online technology blogs and websites.

How can someone contact you?

Facebook: wireframeuae
Twitter: wireframeuae
Instagram: wireframeuae

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