Ramon offers a web platform that monitors brands, persons and music in audio streams and discovers knowledge about audio context.
Our customer segments are (a) advertising industry (media shops, brands) (b) music industry (musicians, managers) (c) public persons (e.g. politicians) and (d) journalists. The users of the platform will be able to retrieve useful information regarding their audio content of interest (commercial spots, songs, speeches, etc) through sophisticated visualizations. In addition, every audio sample will be associated to the respective context: types of shows, topics of discussion, sentiment. This actually connects the content to characteristics of the expected audio impact.
We adopt state-of-the-art audio analysis and machine learning techniques that minimize the compuational effort. In this way, we are able to track huge ammounts of sources (radio & tv stations) achieving a very low cost and at the same time high accuracy.
Theodoros Giannakopoulos, founder, received a Degree in Informatics and Telecommunications (University of Athens), in 2002, an M.Sc. (Honors) in signal and image processing (University of Patras), in 2004 and a PhD (University of Athens), in 2009. He has worked with 4 universities and research institutes as a researcher in R&I projects since 2003.
Website: www.ramon.gr