by Institute of Entrepreneurship Development iED

Αίτηση Συμμετοχής για Certification for Executives & Volunteers of NGOs

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, in the context of the European project CEV_NGO- Certification of Executives and Volunteers of NGOs, invites those who are interested to participate in the process of certification that will be materialised in January of 2012.

All interested individuals can complete the application and send it:

  • to the fax number  (0030) 2410 626 943 


  • by e-mail to with the subject “NGOs Certification Application”.


Frequently Asked Questions

-Who can participate?
..the candidates must be executives, employees or volunteers of NGOs who do not have a formal education in the field.

-What is the cost of the participation?
… there is no cost , the certification process is in pilot application.

-Is there a deadline for submitting applications?
-Yes there is, until February 15, 2012.

-When will the certification process start? the end of February. All candidates will be informed by e-mail.

-Why should I participate in the process?
..all successful participants will be awarded with a European certificate.


Process of Certification for Executives of NGOs

Through the process of certification the informal knowledge that executives and volunteers of NGOs have acquired will be evaluated.

In specific, three categories of learning outcomes will be evaluated, and these include the following:

  •   knowledge,
  •   skills and
  •   competences.

In order to evaluate the above learning outcomes, each participant must take part in all three stages which include:

  1. Evaluation of the curriculum vitae. You must complete an online tool with your CV summary, while also submitting a Europass CV online on the e-learning platform of the project, for which you will be provided a username and password.
  2. On-line test of 100 questions (multiple choice). You will be given 2 hours to complete the online test.
  3. Presentation of a case study to the advisory board. You will required to answer a set of questions at the end of the Case Study and present your findings and conclusions to an Advisory Board composed of two members (one expert and one academic in the field)

Each participant must concentrate a total score from all categories of evaluation from 60% and above so as to be considered successful and to receive the Certificate of Executive of NGOs.


Process of Certification for Volunteers of NGOs

Through the process of certification the informal knowledge and experience that volunteers of NGOs have acquired will be evaluated.

In specific, three categories of learning outcomes will be evaluated, and these include the following:

  • knowledge,
  • skills and
  • competences.

In order to evaluate the above learning outcomes, each participant must participate in a two-part measurement methodology that is designed to demonstrate a candidate’s knowledge and application of the core functions and competences.

This two-part methodology includes:


  • Evaluation of the curriculum vitae. You must complete an online tool with your CV summary, while also submitting a Europass CV online on the e-learning platform of the project, for which you will be provided a username and password.
  • Philosophy Statement. The philosophy statement is a personal reflection on beliefs and values that are related to one’s role as a volunteer. The philosophy statements should be a one-page document maximum and will describe the role of the candidate as a volunteer, inspirations within that role and the definition of excellence and purpose in the viewpoint of the candidate in terms of volunteerism and volunteer work.
  • Presentation of a case study to the advisory board. You will required to answer a set of questions at the end of the Case Study and present your findings and conclusions to an Advisory Board composed of two members (one expert and one academic in the field)

Multiple choice examination

You will be given 1.5 hours to complete an online test (multiple choice, true/false) with a total of 50 questions concerning Volunteering.

Each participant must concentrate a total score from all categories of evaluation from 60% and above so as to be considered successful and to receive the Certificate of Volunteer of NGOs.

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